The document’s Style Sheets and H&Js can be viewed by selecting “Show Styles/H&Js...” from the Views menu.
This window will display the lists of Style Sheets as well as a list of H&Js. You can double-click any item on either list to view more specific details about a specific Style Sheet or H&J.
Unused Style Sheets
Style Sheets marked with an “*” asterisk will signify they are not being used in the document and will be displayed in red if they reference a font which is missing. This is important to know because an unused Style Sheet should not really be considered an “error” simply because it will not affect printing. On the other hand, if you were to open such a document, its application would be forced to alert you that the font is missing. In this case, a good preflighter will want to return to the application and delete the unused Style Sheets.